Monday, March 30, 2009

Get on the floor, baby lose control, just work your body and let it go.

For this week's installment of Music Mondays, we have Nas' Sly Fox . Below is another homemade video I found on Youtube. The video does a good job of using images to highlight the lyrics, but if you would like to read along as the song is playing, you can do so here. Like some of the other selections, this one has its fair share of salty language--so be forewarned.

A couple of things about this song. I like it because it talks about media conglomerates, and how they can influence the information we receive. Since they own Youtube, I hope I didn't get on some list for embedding this video in my post (:

I never hear songs like this on the radio. I feel like there is a trend where a rap artist will come out with a CD and it will have a lot of "socially conscious" songs on the album, but the ones that get released as singles are the songs that don't carry the same provocative message.

One of my favorite lines is "I use Viacom as my firearm and let the lyrics split you." I like that Nas is using his talent as a wordsmith to get his message out. I also think it's a little ironic that he is singing the praises of one megacorporation to help him bring down another one. I would argue that people need to be critical of all of the sources where they receive information. It's a little too simplistic to say Fox News=Bad. PBS=good. Although that still talking about slavery being "necessary for an agrarian economy" was trés disturbing.

My other favorite line is: "I will not fall for the okey doke, I am tuned in." This is in line with one of the main messages of this blog, just for people to be more aware of--everything, really. Their thoughts, subtle messages they receive from various sources, their friends, their personal histories, etc. When we raise our awareness of ourselves and others, we are exposed to a whole new plane of things to know. And as G.I. Joe would say, "knowing is half the battle."

If you've got a comment, I'd love to hear it.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your points of view: they're always challenging and gently but firmly push me to think about racism and inequality iwith a different angle. I'm from Italy and we're dealing with a growingly outrageous and dangerous racism toward immigrants, especially Romanians and North Africans, and your words would be so useful right here eight now. Just keep up posting!
